The function was held at 10.30 am on Sunday, 24th September 2017 at Lion’s Club, Mulki.
It was presided by Shri Jaya K. Shetty, Founder, Mayuri Foundation. The Chief Guest of the function was Shri Jayaram N. Shetty, Leading Businessman of Mumbai & Chairman of  S.M. Shetty Educational Institution and
Shri CA Sadashiva B Shetty, Chartered Accountant, Ex-Hon. General Secretary Bunt’s Sangha, Mumbai &
Treauser, Seva Bharati, Mumbai.
The other dignitaries included Shri Darmadarshi Hari Krishna Punaroor, Former President, Rajya Kannada Sahithya Parishath, Bengaluru and Smt. Shilpa P. Kudva, President, Lion’s Club, Mulki.

Mayuri Foundation Inauguration

Shri Mohan Alva, Chairman of Alva’s Educational Institutes, Moodabidri inaugurated Mayuri Foundation. The event was held on 21st January 2016. Several eminent guests including Shri Shri Shri Eesha Vittaldas Swamiji, Dhramadarshi Harikrishna Punaroor, Shri Jaya C. Suvarna, Shri Sudheer V Shetty, Shri Santhosh Hegde and Shri Arvind Poonja and about a thousand people graced the event.